Water Treatment Systems can Include a Variety of Products
Residential Water Conditioners
The water treatment systems currently on the market are called many things and give many promises. But we are here to tell you that there is a lot of misinformation out there about these products.
These units call themselves many things:
- “No Chemical, No Salt, No Maintenance, Water System”
- “No Salt Conditioners”
- “No Salt Water Softeners”
- “Salt-Free Water Conditioner” and many other terms.
They tell you many things like:
- They are easily installed
- Require little maintenance for long periods of time.
- Will provide conditioned water for a significant number of years and/or gallons of water
- They provide soft water
- Will provide bottled quality water at every tap throughout your home
- They will promote that they leave the beneficial minerals in the water.
Most of these descriptions are simply not accurate or are stretched way beyond their capabilities.
The Real Truth About Water Conditioners
- These units do not produce soft water. If you test the water hardness entering the unit and the water hardness leaving the unit – there will be no reduction in the hardness.
- These units should never be sold as a solution for hard water issues.
- Many variables need to be taken into account when stating how long a water treatment device will last…water quality – flow rate – water usage – consumer expectations.
- No professional water treatment person would ever make any claims on the length of time a unit will perform without first having the information above.
- These units will not protect a tankless water heater or any other water heating device from the effects of hard water. That’s because minerals are left in the water which creates water scale.
- If you are a consumer who has had a real water softener before, you instantly will tell the difference and will not be happy with the performance or capabilities of a water conditioner.
The Real Truth About Bottled Waters
Most of the bottled water sold today is produced using the reverse osmosis (RO) process. These brands include Aquafina, DaSani, Sparkletts, Nestle Pure Life, Kirkland (Costco), and Members Mark (Sam’s Club).
Even your local water store – any drink bottler or food manufacturer will use RO water to mix with their products.
The water will taste better after going through these units because the chlorine/chloramines have been reduced. The water by no means comes close to the water quality in the examples above.
For that reason we would not make a claim that these units “will provide bottled quality water throughout the house”.
Why Would Anyone Purchase One of These Units?
Well a conditioner shouldn’t be purchased to solve hard water issues, but they can provide a very important role in home water treatment. They will reduce the chlorine/chloramine content in the water, it is well known that these elements in the water are not a good thing. If you are concerned about the effects chlorine & chloramines in your water, suffer from dry or other skin conditions, and want to improve the taste and/or eliminate the odor from your water. A water conditioner is a good choice for you.
Install a water conditioner along with a water softener and you now have not only provided protection and extended the life of all of your water using appliances, plumbing, fixtures and dishes, but also have provided aesthetically pleasing and better quality tasting water for your family.
What Can I expect From A Water Conditioner?
- Better Tasting Water Throughout the House
- Reduces the Chlorine and Chloramine Content for Showering, Bathing and Cooking
- Filters Out Dirt and Sediment Automatic Self Cleaning – No Filters to Replace
- Great for Children and Adults with Sensitive Skin
- Inhibits the Growth of Bacteria, Fungi, Algae and Mold
- Reduces Some Heavy Metals Such as Lead, Copper, Iron, Nickel etc.
Since we Install ALL Types of Water Treatment Systems, we Can Recommend the BEST Solution
We are one of the few water treatment suppliers that offer both conventional Water Softeners and the “No-salt, No-chemical” home conditioners. In addition, we offer filtration systems and other alternative ways to treat your water. Deciding on home water treatment can sometimes become confusing depending on who you listen to. Because we offer all options for your home water treatment we can recommend the best solution for your specific application. Regardless of what some may lead you to believe there are no secret proprietary processes for treating your water.
While we install ALL types of water treatment we do recommend one particular brand to our clients who want to know. That is the Falsken brand of equipment.
Check out their full product offering at: https://falskenwatersystems.com/

For Hard Water you Need a Water Softener
A water softener is always the best solution for hard water issues around the house. Here in Southern California, we have very hard to severely hard water. A water softener when sized correctly and maintained will remove the calcium and magnesium from the water. These 2 elements are what cause the hard water deposits, spotting, reduce the efficiency and life span of all water-using appliances around the home. Simply put, if these elements are no longer in the water – hard water issues cannot occur.
You will never see anything other than a water softener in a restaurant, hotel, or any other commercial business. They know the benefits of soft water, they also know no other water treatment process or device will give them soft water.
Water Softener Myth Buster
Four Misconceptions About Water Softeners
Hate that Slick Slimy Feel?
Professional water softeners of today do not produce that slick slimy feel that many consumers either love or hate. In fact, it is not uncommon for us to receive a call from a customer that recently had one of our softeners installed, saying that they don’t think the water is soft because it doesn’t have the same feel they remember. We will send them out a couple of water hardness test strips to make sure the water softener is working correctly and never hear from them again… water was soft, just didn’t have the feeling that the old softening system produced.
Don’t Want to Deal with All of That Salt?
It wasn’t too long ago that water softeners for an average family of four would use 6-8 bags of salt a month. Nowadays, with today’s equipment, we will use only about 1 bag of salt! Needless to say, this is a huge reduction in the amount of salt required to operate a softener.
The salt container or brine tank will hold 6 bags or enough to operate the softener for about 6 months, and only requires adding salt a couple of times a year. Want to make it completely maintenance-free?? – put the gardener in charge!
Will there be Salt Left in my Water?
The salt or sodium that is used periodically to clean the water softening material inside the tank is rinsed away. This material is what holds on to the calcium and magnesium in the water and the salt allows this material to release those minerals and then it is flushed away.
There is only a very negligible amount of sodium that will remain in your water. This amount is generally less than the amount of naturally occurring sodium that we already have in our water supply. Using average Southern California hard water as a guide, 2 quarts of softened water will contain about 150 mgl of sodium. Other foods to compare 1 tbsp of catsup 178 mgl – 1 serving of the following – plain yogurt 159 mgl – chicken noodle soup 850 mgl – cheerios 284 mgl – green beans 354 mgl – (10) pretzels 1029 mgl.
As you can see the amount of sodium introduced is a negligible amount compared to the sodium we receive from other foods in our diet.
Still not convinced?
With our equipment, you can use potassium instead of salt to operate the water softener. Potassium is available at all home improvement stores, located in the same area as the water softener salt.
My City Doesn’t Allow Water Softeners
The only city in Southern California that has restrictions on water softeners is Santa Clarita.
So, there you have it – the honest information regarding the owning and operating of a water softener in your home. You now know why we will always recommend a water softener for hard water problems. It’s presently the only way to effectively soften the water in your home.

A water softener with an added reverse osmosis system, when correctly sized and maintained will provide many advantages throughout your home. Here are just a few:
- Cleaner Softer Laundry, Skin, and Hair
- Spot Free Dishes, Silverware, and Shower Doors
- Eliminates Mineral Deposits on Faucets, Fixtures, and Pipes
- Cleaning made easier
- Great for Children and Adults with Sensitive Skin
- Save $$$ on all Detergents, Soaps, and Cleaning Supplies
- Delicious, excellent quality water for drinking and cooking
- Extends the Life of all Water using Appliances, dishwashers, Washing machines, Tank & Tankless Hot Water Heaters, Coffee Makers, etc.